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“Scrooge McDuck and Money” is a short animated cartoon made by Walt Disney Productions and released on March 23, 1967. It is Scrooge McDuck’s first animated appearance, apart from a brief cameo appearance on the Mickey Mouse Club television series. It was also one of the first cartoons that the studio released after Walt Disney’s death.

On August 15, 1971, 50 years ago today President Richard Nixon took the US off of the gold standard.

These 10 episodes are an amazing series about the history of money.

Money vs Currency – Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 1

Seven Stages Of Empire – Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 2

This Timeline Shows The Death Of The US Dollar As World Reserve – Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 3

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind – Hidden Secrets of Money Episode 4

Where Does Money Come From? – Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 5

The Rollercoaster Crash – Deflation FIRST – Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 6

VELOCITY & The Money Illusion – Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 7

From Bitcoin To Hedera Hashgraph (Documentary) Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 8

Fall Of Empires: Rome vs USA – Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 9

American Bread & Circus – Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 10